How should I choose for hair removal under the private parts of the armpits? Laser, freezing point,

Information Zhenhuimei 2023-04-18 18:01:13

How should I choose for hair removal under the private parts of the armpits? Laser, freezing point, 360 magneto-optic-Beijing Zhenhuimei Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd.

How should I choose for hair removal under the private parts of the armpits? Laser, freezing point, 360 magneto-optic-Beijing Zhenhuimei Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd.

Summer is here, and the season of wearing sleeveless and bikinis is coming. If you don’t want to show your thick hair, then it’s definitely the best time to remove hair. Good beauty investment. Want to try laser hair removal, but afraid of pain or anti-black side effects! ? The editor specially interviewed Du Gong, the leader of the scientific research team of a well-known beauty equipment manufacturer, to analyze for us how to choose on the market, and solve everyone at once All questions about hair removal! Take a look...

Advantages of hair removal: hair removal, whitening, hygiene
Du Gong said that there are more and more laser hair removal clients in recent years, and the most popular areas are the underarms and intimate areas. Removing body hair is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also reduces body odor, especially in intimate areas and underarms. Most girls who have hair removal in their private parts are less likely to be infected with women's diseases, and hair removal can also make their skin fairer and smoother.

4 common hair removal analysis

Using the scraping method: This is the most commonly used method by ordinary people. It is fast, convenient and painless.The hair removal effect can last for 1-3 days. The only downside is that it is easy to leave hair roots. It is easy to make the underarms dull and even prone to folliculitis.
Depilatory cream: Japan's popular bubble hair removal or cream is fast, convenient and painless, but doctors recommend Use in hand and foot areas. This type of product usually contains chemical substances, which are not suitable for use on the face and private parts, and there is also a risk of allergies. The hair removal effect can last for about a week.
Waxing hair removal: Waxing hair removal can remove the hair, and the hair removal effect can last for one month. The disadvantage is that it is more painful. The doctor said that if the depilator's technique is not good enough, it may become darker and duller, and there may be folliculitis, so if you want to do waxing, you must find a professional.
Household hair removal knives: Although many household hair removal knives on the market can remove hair cleanly, they cannot remove hair permanently , can only make the hair longer and thinner, and it takes hard work to see obvious results.
Laser hair removal: If you want to effectively improve body hair, doctors still recommend laser. In addition to the best results, it can also whiten and even out the skin tone by the way. Lasers are further divided into fiber optic, Alexander, pulsed light, and painless vacuum lasers. Each category has advantages and disadvantages. If you don't want to step on the thunder, Dr. Cai suggested that you must choose a professional dermatology clinic, and it is safer to have a professional doctor operate the course of treatment.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is the most common model in beauty salons, and the price is the most affordable. It is the most basic and economical choice for ordinary petty bourgeoisie. Du Gong said that there are many special names on the market, but in fact they are all extensions of lasers. Generally, 5-6 laser hair removal treatments can remove the hair and make the skin fairer. But for people with too much hair, the intensity of the laser is not enough, and it can only refine the hair.
Price: Fair price, ranging from 100 yuan to 5,000 yuan, depending on the scope of laser treatment
Course of pain: ★★★
Depilation cleanliness: ★★★
Whitening effect after hair removal: ★★★
Advantages: The price is affordable, and it can remove hair and improve uneven skin tone
Disadvantages: The laser intensity is relatively mild, and the cleanliness of hair removal is ordinary, which varies from person to person
Suitable object: people with budget considerations

Freezing point hair removal

The recently popular painless "freezing point hair removal" is actually a kind of laser hair removal. There is no need for anesthesia during the treatment process, and the temperature is comfortable. No matter whether it is for beard, sideburns, fine hair, hand hair, foot hair, or even the most sensitive bikini line, you will not feel any pain in the treatment. Less than a month after the treatment, the residual hair will fall off automatically, leaving fair and smooth skin.

Price: medium, ranging from a few thousand to ten thousand yuan, depending on the range of laser treatment
Course of pain: ★★
Hair removal cleanliness: ★★★★
Whitening effect after hair removal: ★★★
Advantages: relatively painless, fast, convenient, suitable for everyone
Disadvantages: The cleanliness of hair removal is similar to that of ordinary laser hair removal, and it takes more than 6 times to remove the hair.
Suitable for: People who have a budget and are afraid of pain

Magneto-optic hair removal

Integrating all laser hair removal categories, magneto-optic hair removal has the best whitening effect. Du Gong also specially recommends that if you want to do private hair removal, you can consider the upgraded version of the pulsed light treatment "360 magneto-optic". In addition to removing hair, it can also make the skin in the private parts fairer!

Price: Affordable, ranging from RMB 1,000 to RMB 10,000, depending on the scope of laser treatment
Course of pain: ★★★
Hair removal cleanliness: ★★★★
Whitening effect after hair removal: ★★★★★
Advantages: In addition to hair removal, it can also whiten
Disadvantages: the hair removal effect is average, and the degree of hair loss varies from person to person

Applicable objects: People who want to whiten their private parts and have a strong underarm effect can choose 360 ​​magneto-optic

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