What is picosecond laser? Zhenhuimei takes you to quickly understand picosecond laser-Beijing Zhenhu

Information Zhenhuimei 2023-03-31 11:13:35

What is picosecond laser? Zhenhuimei takes you to quickly understand picosecond laser-Beijing Zhenhuimei Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd.

What is picosecond laser? Zhenhuimei takes you to quickly understand picosecond laser-Beijing Zhenhuimei Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd.

Picosecond (ps) is a unit of time
1 second=1000 milliseconds

1 millisecond=1000 microseconds
1 microsecond=1000 nanosecond
1 nanosecond = 1000 picoseconds
1 second=1,000,000,000,000 picoseconds

Pulse width is a common term for , also known as pulse time . Refers to the unit pulse duration of a short-pulse laser, usually expressed in milliseconds and nanoseconds.

pulse width reaches picosecond ( 1 picosecond is equivalent to 1/1000 nanosecond), and the duration of the pulse is very short. Its energy is output in short pulses, and through selective photothermal action, it has high selectivity to the target without obvious damage to the surrounding normal tissues, thereby achieving the ideal skin care effect of non-invasive treatment.

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What symptoms does picosecond apply to?
1, Freckle
2, Wrinkle removal
3、 Remove acne marks
4, Tattoo cleaning
5, Shrink pores
6、 Improve fine lines

Compared with traditional laser, what advantages does picosecond have?
1, Shorter course of treatment: Compared with ordinary laser, picosecond laser has obvious effect in a single treatment, and the treatment process can be shortened from 10 times of traditional laser treatment to 2-3 times.
2, More efficient: Unlike previous laser treatment sessions that required one-on-one treatment of different issues, one treatment can improve various facial issues at the same time.
3、 Low anti-black rate: It has a good therapeutic effect on stubborn tattoos and effectively reduces the anti-black probability.

4, Less pigmentation: Stronger blasting ability, finer blasting, better tissue absorption, and better curative effecthigh. At the same time, the thermal damage of picosecond laser is small, and the probability of chromogenic pigmentation is also greatly reduced.

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