808 semi-conductive Hugh laser hair removal instrument to get rid of embarrassment for you! -Beijing

Information Zhenhuimei 2023-04-19 13:28:14

808 semi-conductive Hugh laser hair removal instrument to get rid of embarrassment for you! -Beijing Zhenhuimei Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd.

808 semi-conductive Hugh laser hair removal instrument to get rid of embarrassment for you! -Beijing Zhenhuimei Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd.

Do you want to know how to avoid the embarrassment of exuberant hair? ------- hair removal!

Q: Beeswax hair removal?

A: NO!

Q: Hair removal cream?


Q: What kind of hair removal method is that?

A: Beeswax, hair removal cream and other methods are not permanent hair removal. After removal, the hair will grow more, darker and thicker than before! It is very unsuitable to solve the troubles caused by hair.

Q: So how can we fundamentally solve our problems?.

A: Of course it is laser hair removal!

Q: Is laser hair removal safe? Will it leave scars?

A: Of course it is safe and will never leave scars

The principle of laser hair removal: using a special wavelength band, it can reach the target tissue (hair papilla) deeply, and the appropriate pulse duration ensures that the target tissue produces sufficient thermal damage while the surrounding tissue is hardly affected; appropriate epidermal protection measures ensure Sufficient damage to the target tissue without affecting the epidermis ensures the safety of the treatment!

Advantages of laser hair removal:

1. can achieve permanent hair removal after several treatments.

2. Painless laser hair removal treatment technology will not damage the skin, and the whole process is painless;

3. Semiconductor laser hair removal equipment has adjustable pulse width, energy and irradiation time, which improve its selectivity and will not cause damage to the hair removal site.

Laser hair removal care tips ----- you need to know!

1. Apply ice for half an hour;

2. Apply COMEY Hair Removal Care Solution or COMEY Original Essence No. 3 (anti-inflammatory, repair, prevent pigmentation, inhibit hair growth, prevent folliculitis);

3. Do not touch the treated part with water within 24 hours, do not rub the treated part with detergent within 7 days, and do not clean with too hot water;

4. Do not exercise strenuously within 7 days, avoid sweating a lot, and do not steam;

5. Sun protection;

6. Avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy food, seafood, beef, mutton, etc. within three days)

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