What problems does the skin tester detect? What are the advantages?

Information Zhenhuimei 2023-04-19 17:05:20

What problems does the skin tester detect? What are the advantages?

What problems does the skin tester detect? What are the advantages?

SkinWhat problems are detected by the skin detector, What are the advantages over the magic mirror?

First, it can quantitatively evaluate skin spots, pores, wrinkles, smoothness, porphyrin, UV spots and sun damage.

This method is a digitally processed skin image processing system using the newly invented SIA probe mirror technology. It has a unique ability to penetrate into three parts and see Pigment, blood vessels, collagen sun damage and the health of the skin within 2mm of the skin, and These changes can be measured and monitored over time. It can help you understand several problems of skin aging: pigmented spots of the skin, distribution of blood circulation, sun damage status, pore status, wrinkle status, and can also be used to track the progress of treatment, even small changes, it It can also be displayed quantitatively, giving you the confidence and direction of treatment.

Second, compare and rank the skin characteristics with people with the same conditions (same age, gender and skin type).

Skin detector The technology can compare your situation with people of the same age, same gender and same race in the database, and determine the order of each item of your skin aging among people of the same age, so that the skin aging status can be seen at a glance. Based on this, the skin health assessment can be carried out. Shows how your skin looks old or young, and compares it to pictures of people in the same age group in the age database, telling where your skin stands among your peers.

Again, the high-tech RBX skin camera system

1. Built-in body position and standard lighting ensure consistent and repeatable conditions for each image.

2. A variety of spectral images: use standard white light, cross-sectional polarized light flash and ultraviolet light for multi-spectral photography to measure skin surface and subcutaneous conditions.

3. RBX technology The new RBX technology provides an extraordinary new way to explore, observe and analyze subcutaneous pigment and blood vessels.

skin detector

When testing customers:

Step 1: Clean the face, no makeup or skin care products inspection

Step 2: When filling in the information, you must fill in the real age

Step 3: Comb the hair on the forehead so as not to block the face, then put the face into the detection area

(1) When testing, the forehead should touch the limiter, and the chin should be placed on the drag

(2) When testing, there should be no white or reflective things on the head and face of the guests, such as hair bands, headbands, etc.

(3) Face cleansing is required, the makeup test, age, and gender must be filled in truthfully

(4) After the treatment, you can't test it immediately, you need to wait for a period of time to do the test again. Because the pores are open at this time, if you test it directly, the data will be poor, and the product care will not be absorbed so quickly!

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